1. Rearranging the Chairs on the Sinking Titanic

The American Internal Revenue Code is an absolute mess. It is

  • Complicated
  • Contradictory
  • Unjust to both families and businesses, and
  • Very bad for our economy.

We need major tax reform. We need a new and very different tax system–one that is:

  • Simple and easy to understand
  • Just and treats everyone the same
  • Transparent and free from manipulation behind closed doors in Washington; and
  • A strong stimulus to American businesses.

Many tax-reform proposals are offered every year–by economists, politicians and others. They invariably claim to simplify our taxes and make them just and economically effective. However, most of the tax proposals coming out of Washington only make the federal tax code longer, more complicated, more unjust and more harmful to our economy. They are little more than manipulations of a very unsatisfactory tax system. [They are like the proverbial rearrangement of deck chairs on the Titanic as the mighty “unsinkable” ship was already sinking.]

Our Federal Tax System Is Broken!

Our federal tax system is so bad that it needs to be completely replaced. The vast majority of tax-reform proposals involve plans for modifying our existing Internal Revenue Code, not fixing it. This is understandable because it is far easier to make changes in an existing tax system than to propose a completely new tax system–a much more ambitious task.

Unfortunately, the Internal Revenue Code is beyond repair. The tax historian, Charles Adams, declared that “the income tax…can be likened to a dirty industrial smelter that does an efficient job, but pollutes the air, poisons the streams, and kills the forest.”

Our current tax system cannot even be described as efficient. However, we can certainly agree with the assertion that it badly harms our environment–not the physical environment of our air and water but the social environment of our economy, society and political system.

An institution, virtually any institution, runs the risk that poor management and changing conditions can cause it to deteriorate beyond repair. Our Internal Revenue Code has reached that point.

Our Federal Tax System Can Be Fixed!

Sensible Tax Reform—Simple, Just and Effective is very different from most other tax-reform proposals. It will indeed be very simple, very just to all families as well as to all businesses and will provide a very strong stimulus to the American economy. STR offers not merely an ambitious revision of our existing tax code, but a proposal for instituting sweeping changes to create a very different and vastly better tax system.

The website, www.SensibleTaxReform.com, offers extensive details of the proposed tax system.

Sensible Tax Reform—Simple, Just and Effective is available in softcover, hardcover and ebook from the author as well as from major booksellers worldwide.


Tuesday, November 24th, 2020 SensibleTaxReform Blogs

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